Thursday, 19 June 2014

Aiding and abetting the terrorists: We are Idiots!

      Am not known to 'analyze' everything that happens in this country and am one not known to put importance on tribe, religion, race and ethnicity on anything from grocery shopping to terrorist attacks.

      But, as a human being with all senses intact, I can say sadly for us - but to the celebration of terrorists - we have handled and continue to handle extremely scary situations with trivial politics. Well played Kenyans, well played. You have not only succeeded in having a shitty security system that has no clue on how to do their job, but you have aided and abetted the Al-Shabaab in achieving their utmost goal ---> to destroy Kenya.

      Not to see the bigger picture, is not only unfortunate but very stupid to say the least. Any terrorist group causing mayhem in someone else's country knows the insides of that country; its weaknesses, its flaws, its sensitive subjects etc, and they will use those weaknesses to their advantage, as long there are a few countrymen who will play into their hands.

       Am also not a supporter of any political grouping - I cant stand the bunch of them - but to say the Mpeketoni massacre had anything to do with trivial tribal bullshit, is not only missing the point but foolishly refusing to see, the bigger threat--> terrorists in our midst.

       I had a small but random discussion with one Somali-Somalian, that I considered liberal/neutral - the things I heard the person say, not only shocked me but also made me realize that we have a bigger problem. It is not your fellow Kenyan that is the problem, it is everyone else that wants to hurt Kenya, and those that want to use you to hurt Kenya.

       If I may briefly describe myself and who I am, I was born and raised a Muslim in an environment and time where it was very okay to go the neighbor's Christmas party and eat all the sweets we can. I cannot stand or stomach anything else that suggests there is anything wrong with that picture. So clearly, I cannot stand any ideology that says, Andrew, Jane and John are not my brothers or that Amina, Yusuf and Ali are the better brothers. In my eyes that is just a load of crap! If I had know John since we were kids and I had never met Yusuf, guess who is my brother? If you could just put same thinking in Omondi vs Kimani.

Wake up Kenyans, wake up. This is way bigger than our shitty tribal differences.

Yours sincerely,

a Kenyan-Somali married to mixed Kikuyu & Mzungu (just so you know how trivial tribe/religion are to me)

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